Wednesday 20 November 2013

Happy Children's Day: Video Song

Today is Universal Children's Day according to the recommendation of the United Nations! We are wishing that these days don't pass unnoticed, and that we keep remembering all the children in need and in stress zones around the world. Spread your hands to a child in need when you can!
Here is a nice happy day song and some background on this day... click to read and share.

"Children's Day is recognized on various days in many places around the world, to honor children globally. It was first proclaimed by the World Conference for the Well-being of Children in 1925 and then established universally in 1954 to protect an "appropriate" day.[1]Major global variants include a Universal Children's Day on November 20, by United Nations recommendation.[2]
Children's Day is often celebrated on other days as well. International Day for Protection of Children, observed in many countries as Children's Day on June 1 since 1950, was established by the Women's International Democratic Federation on its congress in Moscow(22 November 1949)."

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