Thursday 26 December 2013

10 Cancer Cutting Ways

It is never enough to read about ways to detoxify your body and be a healthier you, especially on the threshold of a new year. Along the way, you have endless chances of cutting down your risk of developing cancers. The methods suggested here will not harm you in all cases and will help you be healthier.

Read these 10 tips now and start the change.

1- Quit smoking: In Canada, 30% of cancer deaths are related to tobacco: lung cancer, oral cancers, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, and more. At least, cut down on smoking until you are able to quit!

2- Eat more grain: eat 2 or more servings of whole grain breads, cereal, or pasta. This may lower your risk of developing pancreatic cancer by 40%. Colorectal cancer can also be fought against by the fiber in wholegrain products. Also, research has shown that the fiber in wholegrain cereals can cut down the risk of menopausal women developing breast cancer by 50%.

3- Reduce your weight: research has found considerable evidence that overweight can be a cause for six types of caner.

4- Exercise: Moving, exercising and leading an active life are important not just to reduce your weight but also lower the risk of caners. Some research suggests it may provide extra protection for heavy smokers.

5- Eat anti-cancer foods: (See our previous posts on this blog). Fruits and vegetables can help you be healthier on many levels including weight management. They also contain phytochemicals and antioxidants that protect against cancer. Make you meal colorful by including a variety of colors of vegetables and fruit as each protects against a different type of cancer. For example kale and broccoli protect against colon cancer while tomato stomach and pancreas.

6- Garlic: research evidence shows that increasing the content of garlic and onion on your food may lower your risk of developing esophageal, ovarian, kidney, and other cancers. It is suggested the more you eat the lower your risk. So prepare a good amount of breath mints candies!

7- Protect from sun rays: sun exposure can increase your risk of cancer. There is no such thing as as safe tan from the sun or the tanning beds. It is recommended that you use a sunscreen of SPF of at least 15 on daily basis even in the winter. Don't forget to reapply when you sweat, swim or stay outside for long periods. Remember that sunscreens are one of the best ways to reduce wrinkles!

8- Eggs: research suggests that eggs can cut the risk of developing breast cancer. Women who ate eggs six times a week cut their risk of breast cancer by 44% than those who ate them two times a week or less. Choline, a substance found in the yolk, may be the reason behind this benefit.

9- Cut down on alcohol: there is evidence that alcohol can increase risk of head and neck, esophageal, and colorectal cancers. It is also linked to an increase in breast cancer for women taking hormone replacement therapy or with family history of this cancer.

10- Vitamin D: increasing research suggests that getting enough vitamin D may lower your risk of developing colon and breast cancer. Not many sources contain vitamin D, but it is available in sunshine, supplements, fortified milk, salmon, and mackerel.    

You will notice some repeated items in our previous posts on foods that fight colds or foods that fight breast cancer. This is expected. Try to balance what you take and don't hesitate to ask your health provider about any concerns before incorporating anew item in your diet or taking a new supplement.

Best Health:

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