As we stream through the new year and prepare for nice summer months ahead, we want to feel and look our best. Here is a set of exercises with pictures that would help you target your belly fat and burn the waist line extra fat we call love handles. Most importantly, try to stay motivated before you and during your routine to keep going on. Think positive!
Here are the exercises arranged from beginner to advanced---courtesy of Fitness Magazine:

1- Beginner: Lung Twist
Targets: abs, obliques, butt, quads
- Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, elbows bent 90 degrees by hips
- Lunge forward with right leg and rotate torso and arms to right
- Rotate back to centre as you quickly push foot to return to start
- Do 16 repetitions, alternating sides

2- Step Hop
Targets: abs, butt, legs
- Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands on hips
- Step forward with right foot, then lift left knee to hip level as you hop straight up on right leg
- Land with feet together
- Do 16 repetitions, alternating sides

Targets: arms, abs, obliques, butt, legs
- Stand with feet hip-width apart, right elbow bent with hand by ear, left arm out at shoulder level
- Lunge to right with right leg; rotate torso to right
- Push off right foot to stand, pivoting to left
- Extend right arm diagonally (as if throwing a shot)
- Do 16 repetitions, alternating sides

Targets: shoulders, abs, butt, quads
- Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms by sides
- Lunge forward with left leg, bending both knees 90 degrees, and reach arms toward floor
- Explosively push off left leg to return to straight position and lift arms straight overhead
- Do 8 repetitions, switch sides, repeat

Targets: arms, abs, butt, legs
- Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands on hips
- Step forward with left foot and simultaneously lift right knee to hip level as you hop straight up on left leg and extend arms overhead
- Land with feet together, hands on hips
- Do 20 repetitions, alternating sides
6- Discus Throw

- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended out to sides at shoulder level
- Lunge to right with right leg, rotating torso to right
- Quickly shift weight to left leg, bend knee, and push off left foot to hop up as you turm to left and swing right arm across body (as if throwing a discus)
- Do 10 repetitions. Switch sides; repeat

Targets: arms, abs, butt, legs
- Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms extended overhead
- Lunge forward with left leg, bending both knees 90 degrees
- Jump straight up, switching legs in midair, so that you land in a lunge with right leg in front
- Do 12 repetitions, alternating sides
8- Squat Jump

- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands by sides
- Squat, keeping knees behind toes, then jump straight up, lifting arms overhead
- Land in a squat with arms overhead
- Lower arms by sides
- Do 12 repetitions
9- Hammer Hoist

- Stand with feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart, hands clasped together in front of thighs
- Squat, keeping knees behind toes, and reach arms slightly back between legs
- Jump straight up, bringing arms overhead (as of hoisting a heavy mallet)
- Land in starting position
- Do 12 repetitions
Fitness Magazine:
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