Wednesday, 14 August 2013

High Blood Pressure Medicine May More than Double Breast Cancer Risk: Study

Women who are taking certain high blood pressure medications might more than double their risk of developing breast cancer, a new study suggests. A first of its kind in relating these 2 conditions, the study was lead by Dr. Christopher Li, an epidemiologist and breast cancer researcher at the Fred Hutchinston Cancer research Center in Seattle, Washington.

There is more than one way high blood pressure medications work. One of those ways is blocking calcium channels. These specific medications are also used to prevent heart attack and strokes. researchers in the above mentioned study found out that women between the ages of 55 and 74 who took it for 10 years or more had two and a half times the risk of developing breast cancer than women who took another hypertension medication or those who never taken any hypertension medication.

How did the researchers end up with this conclusion? According to The Gazette, "Li's team surveyed 1,763 women in the Seattle area diagnosed between 2000 and 2008 with the two most common types of breast cancer: invasive ductal carcinoma and invasive lobular carcinoma. Researchers investigated the women's medication use prior to their breast cancer diagnosis, which led to the study's findings."

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, "ductal carcinoma is the most common type of breast cancer
accounting for almost 80 per cent of invasive breast cancer. Lobular carcinoma makes up around 10 per cent of invasive breast cancers in patients" (1).

Yet, researchers stress that women should not stop taking their high blood pressure medications as more replicate studies are needed first. When results are confirmed in the future women will be advised to try other available options that are not linked to breast cancer.

1- Montreal Gazette:
2- Healthy Living Canada:


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