Sunday, 16 September 2012

Top 5 Breast Cancer Prevention Tips

Dr. Kristi Funk is a surgical breast specialist and founder of the Pink Lotus Breast center in Los Angeles, a place dedicated to prevent, screen, diagnose and treat breast cancer. In the following video, Dr. Funk has stated the top five Breast Cancer prevention tips:

1)    Mammogram screening is of extreme importance (Contact one of our MBH health educators to have one booked for you!)
2)    Including more unsaturated fats than saturated or trans- fats in your diet
3)    Become active and exercise
4)     Increase the intake of phytochemical rich veggies in your diet such as Broccoli, Spinach, Kale, carrots and tomatoes are examples of vegetables that decrease your cancer risk. Walnuts and Pomegranate are shown to have phytochemicals that suppress estrogen, reducing breast cancer
5)    Decrease Alcohol intake
What are some of the fruits or vegetables that you greatly enjoy? Do you know their health benefits or if they are rich in Phytochemicals?
                                          Source: YouTube


  1. Very interesting read. Every women should take initiative to prevent occurrence of cancer.

  2. Thank you so much, Tahera, for your feedback!


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